The contrasts help define the structure

Weekendje weg in Schoorl: Tapuit, Zilvermeeuw, Kluut, Huismus, Tjiftjaf, Scholekster, Spreeuw, Gele Kwikstaart, Slobeend, Merel, Graspieper, Blauwe reiger, Groenling, Bontbekplevier, Fuut, Grutto, Meerkoet, Grote stern, Kneu, Kievit, Boerenzwaluw, Witte kwikstaart, Koolmees, Kauw, Wilde eend, Pimpelmees, Kraai, Waterhoen, Ekster, Roodborst, Torenvalk, Buizerd, Grauwe gans, Kokmeeuw, Zanglijster, Aalscholver, Nijlgans, Lepelaar, Bergeend.

This 12th-century drawing is my favorite picture of a knight on horseback ever.”

“You don’t look for ’em, but I think every composer’s got some idea of ideal proportions that suits personal taste. You take your raw material, your notes, your visual elements or whatever it’s gonna be, and you strike up balances between loud and soft, fast and slow, many and few, thick and thin. It’s like cooking, or building a mobile. The contrasts help define the structure, and at the same time they’re part of the elements that are being structured. Know what I mean?”

From Interview with the Composer - Zappa Wiki Jawaka.

Graphic Designers Have Always Loved Minimalism. But At What Cost? By Jarrett Fuller, yes, he from the Scratching the Surface podcast.

Elementary cellular automata, by Seth Brown.
