The eloquent type

Started following @typographica on the twitter this week. Started looking at some of the serif fonts reviewed there. Brabo looks very nice. Equity has been my workhorse serif so far. Brabo would make a good addition, a bit roomier and with more flair. Pensum is nice too, but I can’t get past that lowercase e.

Somehow really glad about the happy ending of the Queens Gambit, which we watched with the whole family.

More beautiful ink drawings of animals, like that bear previously. Qi Baishi apparently thought highest of his seal carving.

Still listening to “Awakening from the meaning crisis” lectures by John Vervaeke. Periodic reminder to use huffduffer to turn youtube videos into your own curated podcast.

“Writing” was last year’s theme. “Image” will be back in focus this year. So I’ll be listening to Drawing as a Human Practice: an interview with D.B. Dowd. Already ordered his book as well. And this one and will revisit this one, too. Oh and: “Sequentials is a hub for scholarship conveyed through comics.

Almost finished the Flow book. Know thyself - “Self knowledge is the process throug which one may organise conflicting options.” If you’re going to have new years resolutions, steal from the best. Have a good one.

#weeknotes 2021-01