Well I don't think all of this on my own

Going to have a look at this intro to Sketch Your System

I found out too late about this workshop on making medieval ink. Youtube has the goods, of course.

Small indieweb tweaks to www.royscholten.nl, just h-card stuff for now. On yoroy.com I even had webmentions and some syndication going for a short while, but it’s all very fiddly still. Also, I turned yoroy.com into a static html site (in dutch) so that removed those types of features.

Het goede en gewenste van structured content is ook dat sommige dingen daardoor juist niet meer mogelijk zijn! https://write.as/bildung/onmogelijk

More Luhmann* Zettelkasten geekery. Here’s a talk by one of the researchers that are working to digitize this analog knowledge database: https://vimeo.com/173128404. The presentation is German spoken, so I created a rough but mostly complete translation

Coming May next year: The filing cabinet, a vertical history of information. “The history of how a deceptively ordinary piece of office furniture transformed our relationship with information.”

Sounds: new Aesop Rock (the rapper with the largest vocabulary), Black Curse – Endless Wound and Convulsing – Grievous. The last one oddly helped achieve some actual flow during work this week.

#weeknotes 2020-46