To sense, to perceive

Please be sure to check out this beautiful schematic map from the 12th century. That tweet also has the link to the full scan of the book it is in. Oh my, such great looking pages.

“If you cut an animal skin into 4 sets of two pages, the number of possible ways of arranging these 4 pieces into a booklet is 6,144.” via @LitteraCarolina.

My account on turned 15 years old this week. Quite the ride. Drupal is a large open source content management system. I help design it. More on that here.

Emily Webber on serendipity in the workplace.

Dinosaurs. 10 dino cards in legopress added to the print portfolio. It’s a collaboration with Martijn from 2017. The little arms of the T-rex were a design challenge, but no more. Also, T-rex vs. Triceratops.

The dino cards were a precursor to the 50 birds project that’s still underway. Here’s a short video browsing through all the trial and error prints that lead up to the final design. I wrote a short article on this project, in dutch, here.

Bill Sienkiewicz, always Bill Sienkiewicz.

New sounds. More noise for tumbling through space via Prava Kollektiv: Arkhtinn, HWAUOCH, and personal favorite Voidsphere*.

#weeknotes 2020-47