Set::Solid weeknotes

Built and curated an exhibition with my partner in art Martijn van der Blom. It’s called SET::SOLID. I’m showing a selection of twelve of my bird prints, Martijn presents twelve unique prints from his Masks series.

Hanna Darboven & Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt. Great picture of Darbovens’ desk in there. Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt created typewriter art in the 1970’s in East Germany which was sent out as mail art. The mail art she received offered glimpes of the world on the other side of the iron curtain.

Still working through this excellent piece: Undoing the Toxic Dogmatism of Digital Design by Lisa Angela. It already reminded me of a community and a book to check out.

Some updates to, it has small pictures now!

Preparing work on the zines I’ll contribute to a group expo in February 2021. I already made one in remembrance of Herma Steur earlier this year.

Sounds: my spotify year in review is basically the playlist I made for spinning with some added Esoctrilihum, Mare Cognitum/Spectral Lore and Paysage d’Hiver from before I bought those on bandcamp.

#weeknotes 2020-49