
Publishing as artistic practice
The Design Research Society has launched their Digital Library. It is an open-access hub for all things design research.
Graphic designers who publish, compare to publishing as artistic practice.
Marshall McLuhan’s copy of Finnegans wake. Writing in books is ok!*
Naming my abstract prints is hard. Sometimes a cool word seems to suggest a characteristic that resonates. Manifold, for example. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I remember seeing thesecrocheted manifolds in Helsinki some years ago.
On publishing: the main job last week was wrapping up my new zines and sending those to the printer. Now to reflect on the proces and get ready to share bits and pieces. More soon.
I put the zines together using mostly open source tools. Scribus for page layout. For photo editing a la photoshop, there’s GIMP, but it’s very clunky. Glimpse improves on it considerably.
Sounds: new for me sets from Acid Pauli.
#weeknotes 2020-03